
Tuesday 16 June 2009


Long list of surprises, when I thought there wasn't much left that could surprise me.

Yesterday morning me and mum tried getting bus tickets and failed. They were leaving either too early or too late. Today I called my cousin, he told me he'd drive us all the way to Cairo. That's really decent of him, too, seeing as he doesn't even want us to pay for the trip.
We also went shopping, and we went to pay for the internet. We are going to have to freeze all our accounts, internet as well as mobile phones.
Went home, redressed, left again. Met up with Sally, who just came from America, so it was more or less a bit of a hi/bye meet, more than a decent I'mma-chat-your-ears-off.
Came home after sunset. Again.

Today, busy busy day. Met up with some of the girls, one of whom had brought along two cool guys from America; David and Sami. Utah, to be exact. I didn't know I could be social, but apparently it works if I try. They were nice enough, and even though we didn't spend a lot of time around, I already got my official invitation to Utah! xD At least I'll have a sofa to crash on if I'mma take a tour round the States xD

We went to see Coraline, which I've been waiting to see for at least two months. Funnily enough, it didn't turn out to be a typical 3D movie AT ALL. Not very funny, not very melodramatic, not childish, not Disney-ish, whatever that means. Just plain weird. Eerie, in a lot of ways. But that only makes it more special, if you ask me! x3
Then nearly everyone left, and I ended up with two better friends, who were very vague as to why they too would have to be leaving soon. Seeing as I had another appointment with two other friends I figured it wasn't worth nagging about, they left, and I went to those friends....

.... only to park my car, and be steered to a restaurant called The View, with, coincidentally, a beautiful view of the sea. I was starting to question their intentions, after each of them had locked my arm into theirs, literally kidnapped me in there. I objected, but it was all like "We'll go have a quick look, we'll be outta here in no time, we'll yadda yadda.." I didn't question it, mainly cause I needed to complain about something else... xD
Until I saw half my class (alright, I'm exaggerating! we were 8 in total) waiting there for me going SURPRIIIISE! xDDD

I was dumbfounded. Had no clue that all the vagueness and secrets were actually about ME. Or about something for me anyways. Turned out to be a sort of goodbye slash very late birthday party. They got me a belt and bracelets, and bought me a big ice cream that almost immediately melted cause it was so hot, even though it was nearing sunset.
Came home really late, but content.

At home they also decided to get me my birthday presents way late (!). I got a travel mug from my brother, a thermal one, wootness. And a guitar bag from my sis, a real beauty. Both travel-inclined gifts, but that just makes them all the more special cause I NEED these. xD Now I can bring my guitar! ~whoops happily~
Oh and she got me guitar snares as well. :3
And mum says she's still owed me something but she can't find it so I have to wait.

Yes, I am spoiled rotten.

Four days ago one of the friends (one of the few who put the most effort in today's party) said that because I'm leaving to Holland so soon everyone, and I quote, "Wants a piece of Jessie".. Got to say I'm flattered. I'm going to miss those darlings. She is even going to make a messenger account just to keep in touch with me, even though she hates anything that is linked to computers or internet. Flattered once again.

Sorry for the long ramble, I had some energy to spare.

The Gypsy


  1. Well, glad u liked it and it was not easy to get things planned for u since u have to mess it before u know it :P u gave us a hard time we cant do things really behind ur back but i'm glad u liked it and im glad it turned out to be fun ;)
    sorry about u going late DYING TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED :D
    I gotta say it was an awesome view in that cafe we wont ever forget it and we'll miss u and oh there s another part of ur present that i'll send right now on ur email along with the other pix but i couldnt give it to u along with the present because things just didnt work out hope u like it too ..
    good luck packing we'll miss u
